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Covid - 19 Safety Protocols

Hello BDC Families,

The is studio open for ALL classes! We could not be more excited to welcome our dancers back!

  • Our Lobby and viewing area will be closed during this time.  In Studio office hours are by appointment only.  Please call (865) 524-2300 to schedule an appointment. 

  • If you have a child that needs assistance using the restroom please make sure we have your cell number so that we may contact you to come in and help them.  Please Note: you will be required to wear a mask, sanitize your hands and have a temperature check if you enter the studio lobby.

  • Touch-free temperature thermometer check of each dancer before class.  •Staff will ask if you have any symptoms prior to entry into the studio. 

  • Hands must be washed/sanitized upon entry into the studio, between all classes and after using the restroom.

  • Only Dancers, Teachers & Staff will be permitted inside the studio.  •Parent viewing area/lobby will be closed

  • No access to water fountain. Dancers must bring their own water bottles CLEARY MARKED WITH NAME.

  • One student at a time will be allowed to use the restroom (with teacher’s permission)

  • Social Distancing applies while inside the studio.  There will be no congregation in hallway.

  • All dancers items will be stored in a specific place while they are in the studio (distanced from other dancers’ belongings) and this area will be wiped down after the dancer leaves. Each dancer will be allowed only one bag in the studio. **Please make sure your dancer's name is on their bags and inside their dance shoes**

  • As always, if your dancer displays any symptoms of illness, please refrain from attending class.

  • We will be doing enhanced cleaning procedures such as cleaning touch points in the studio and restrooms hourly when classes are being taught.  •All cubbies, barres & floor will be wiped down after each class.

Our staff and student assistants (class helpers) will wear masks and will all be screened for Covid-19 symptoms daily.​

ALL dancers entering the studio are required to wear a mask. 

  • The number of dancers in class and the distance between them will determine whether or not they will need to wear masks while dancing.  

  • Dancers will have specific boundaries in the studio to keep space between each other per phase 2 guidelines.

  • There will be well marked indicators on the floor showing where to stand.

Classes where a minimum of 6 feet of physical distancing can be consistently maintained can be offered. Floor space for each participant should be marked off to be at least 6 feet apart while wearing a cloth face covering or 12 feet apart if participants are not wearing a cloth face covering. Equipment and floor space must be sanitized between classes. 

In Order for Backstage Dance Company to function safely during these times, we ask all our dancers, family members, and employees to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Dancers may arrive 5 minutes prior to the start of class. Please remain in your car until that time.

  • Dancers will enter one at a time through the studio BACK door and exit through the BACK door. Please see map and directions for DROP OFF PICK UP below.

Drop Off & Pick Up Map.jpg

Our number one priority is the safety of your children!  We will be running both drop off and pickup lanes beside our building (2 lanes)- SEE THE MAP ABOVE

Drop Off Procedures: 

Please pull to the side of the building the right lane (closest to the building) will be dancer drop off lane.

You will form a drop off line (like school).

A staff member will come assist your dancer from the car to the studio.

Parents may then pull through.

If you think your student might need assistance with the rest room during class time, please continue through line and find available parking. We will call you if they need to use the restroom.

Pick Up Procedures:

  • If you have a school pickup sign feel free to put it up for us!

  • Parents will form a pickup line on the far side of our complex going behind the buildings the curb side facing Washington Pike) will be the parent pickup lane.

  • A staff member will ask you the child’s name

  • Each child will be brought out to you by a staff member.


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